International Trade
International trade is the interchange of goods, services and capital across international territories or borders. Global trade gives countries and consumers opportunities to be exposed to new markets and products. We provide practical solutions to problems arising in international trade.
Government actions increasingly affect companies involved in the global trade of goods and services. Whether they’re negotiating multilateral, regional or bilateral trade agreements, or revising national laws and regulations, the involvement of governments frequently has a direct and profound impact on the rules governing international trade. While the ultimate goal may be a more liberalized trading system, the immediate result is just as likely to be a thicket of rules, procedures and exceptions. This can mean an even more difficult business environment.
Via our International trade practice, we help clients to manage the risks and maximize the opportunities associated with the increasing regulation of international trade in goods and services. Our practice provides a range of services designed to match the scope of global trade regulation and to answer the needs of our clients wherever and whenever they arise.
From export controls and customs compliance to international trade litigation and government relations, our International trade Law team takes the time to understand the unique challenges faced by each client, and creates customized solutions to help them achieve their business objectives.
We can draft and advise on tailor-made contracts, standard terms and conditions of sale, letters of credit, performance bonds, letters of indemnity and other contractual loss prevention-type clauses. We can also advise on the structuring or restructuring of the network of contracts necessary to perform all duties arising out of a contract for the sale of goods, both for commodities and manufactured goods.
Our expertise covers sale and supply contracts, bills of lading, COAs, all types of charterparty (voyage, slot, time, demise) and all forms of hybrid contract in between.
Our International trade practice includes also acting in disputes involving contracts relating to the supply and carriage of goods and services, the operation of vessels and companies and related insurances. We advise and act in joint ventures, special projects and pool disputes and consortium agreements, other carriage regimes (CMR) as well as shipbuilding, sale and purchase and finance and ancillary contracts such as management contracts and agreements.
International Trade & Tunisian Customs
The firm has experience in the whole range of matters that arise under the Tunisian jurisdiction Customs and Border Protection, including administrative proceedings before Customs and judicial proceedings. These areas include:
- Tariff classification and valuation.
- Country-of-origin determinations and marking matters.
- Compliance assessments and regulatory audits.
- Penalty and forfeiture proceedings.
- Coastwise trade.
In addition, our firm assists clients in establishing and improving their internal customs compliance programs, including the development of prophylactic measures designed to eliminate or minimize exposure to antidumping duties.
International Trade & Export Compliance
Our firm provide a range of services related to the export of goods, services, and technology. Our services include working with clients to obtain commodity jurisdiction determinations, product classifications, and export licenses; representation in connection with export violations, internal compliance audits, export and defense security compliance training, and due diligence for corporate transactions. We also provide clients with comprehensive systems to ensure compliance with both Tunisian export and import regulations.
International Trade & Trade Agreements and Treaties
We also closely track global events that may affect our clients’ interests. We regularly provide advice and assistance to clients in connection with various agreements and treaties.
We can also help you with:
- Shipping Contracts
- Bills of lading
- Charter parties
- Regulatory Compliance
- Marine debt collection
- Vessel Arrest